Children may be enrolled at any time. Enrolling your child in our Montessori preschool or kindergarten program requires an annual nonrefundable registration fee of $100, an instructional charge of $150 per year, and two weeks' tuition deposit. A $50 fee will be charged for children who are not potty trained. For families with more than one child, we offer a 5% discount on tuition for the second child and a 10% discount on tuition for the third child.
Tuition may be paid weekly (due on Monday) or monthly (due on the first of each month). Payments received after the fifth of the month or after Wednesday for the week will incur an additional charge of $5 per day.
Art is an integral part of our educational program. There is a variety of safe media available, such as easel painting, watercolor, clay, and crayons. Music is a part of our group time activities and involves singing, rhythm, and movement.
Science Studies
Children are naturally curious about themselves and the world around them. In science studies, they are encouraged to observe the changes in the environment, explore animal, human, and plant life, and experiment with the elements and tools, such as air, water, and wheels.
Sensorial Education
Montessori sensorial materials assist your child in learning to differentiate between sizes, shapes, colors, textures, sounds, and tastes. Through these activities, your child learns to evaluate and find solutions to concrete problems.
The World of Numbers
Children gain knowledge of the world of numbers and their functions through interactive manipulation of concrete Montessori materials. This knowledge is reinforced through play-oriented activities, such as building with blocks and measuring sand, water, or ingredients for cooking.
Language Arts
Reading, listening to stories, speaking, and writing are all important exercises in our language arts program. Children are encouraged to communicate their ideas and feelings through dramatic play, drawings, sharing time and eventually through writing about their own experiences using tactile Montessori materials. Your children are also introduced to various languages from around the world, including Chinese, English, and Spanish.
Extracurricular Activities
At Children's Montessori Center of Via Verde, we offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities, including music, dance, computer, swimming, and Spanish lessons. We also take them on field trips to museums, the library, and other places which allow our kids to explore the world around them with their friends and teachers.